Scheduling Memorials


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Prayer Meeting

Scheduling Funerals & Memorials

Please contact the Church Office at 405-424-2186 to inform the church of any deaths in your family

We understand the difficulties and challenges that families navigate through during bereavement. To help families in some of the important aspects of planning an honorable celebration of life for your loved ones, we have set up guidelines for funeral services held at Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church. While the basic guidelines are the same for everyone, there is no cost for the use of the building for the funeral or memorial services of our members and their immediate family. For the purpose of these guidelines, immediate family is defined as: parent, spouse, children, sibling, grandparent, and grandchild. There is a cost assessed for the use of the building for the funeral or memorial service of the extended family of our members, and for the general public that are outlined below. For the purposes these guidelines, extended family would include uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, first cousins, and in-laws.

Funeral and Memorial Service Guidelines (Members Only)

Scheduling Funeral and Memorial Services 

  • The sanctuary is available for funerals and memorials at no charge for members of the Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church and immediate family (parent, spouse, children, siblings, grandparent, and grandchild). 
  • All services must be approved and on the church calendar. 
    • It is important before finalizing the date and time of services with the funeral home to contact the church office to secure scheduling on the church calendar.  
  • While every effort will be made to accommodate your request, there may be instances where previously scheduled events cannot be preempted. Therefore, the Pastor and or Officers of the Greater Mount Olive Church reserve the right to deny the use of the church facilities.  

Funeral and Memorial Program 

  • If requested, Pastor Douglas will officiate and deliver the eulogy as his schedule permits. 
  • Associate Ministers are available for the scripture reading and the prayer upon request. 
  • When Pastor Douglas is unavailable, he will assign an Associate Minister to officiate and deliver the eulogy.  
  • Any person on the program to speak from the pulpit for scripture, prayer, or clergy remarks must be approved by Pastor Douglas. 
  • If the family requests another minister to deliver the eulogy, the requested clergy will be sent a doctrinal agreement form that must be completed, signed and submitted to the church office to be approved prior to the printing of the program.
  • If you wish to have remarks made during the funeral service, it is required that the person or those persons be designated on the printed program. 
    • There will be no open remarks.
    • Remarks shall be limited to no more than three individuals for no more than two (2) minutes each. 
    • Special words, words of comfort, poem readings, and tributes are all considered as remarks.
  • We ask that a copy of the "order of service" be submitted to the church by email ( at least two (2) days before, prior to being printed; to ensure that the program can be followed on day of service as printed. 

Musical Selections 

  • Selections may be limited by repertoire, and the availability of musicians and/or singers. 
  • All selections performed by outside singers and musicians must be approved prior to the service through the church office.
  • Any recorded music the family wishes to be played must be submitted at least three (3) days prior to the service to ensure compatibility with our audio-visual equipment and approved by the Audio-Visual Team. 

Resolutions and Acknowledgements 

  • Acknowledgment from the family will be read and all resolutions will be acknowledged then given to the funeral directors to be given to the family. 

Video Tributes 

  • All videos (on a DVD) must be submitted at least three (3) days prior to the service to ensure compatibility with our audio-visual equipment and approved by the Audio-Visual Team. 
  • All video tributes should be no longer than four (4) minutes in length. 


  • There will be no parting viewing after the service


  • We ask that you provide the number of family members you would like to be fed. 
  • Additional costs may apply. 
  • All fees must be paid by check or money order, two days prior to the service.
  • The standard menu is Chicken, Corn, Green Beans, Dinner Roll, Lemonade and Desert


Pastor Douglas or a member of the ministerial staff may be available for the committal service. 

  • Please notify the church of the location for the interment. 
  • Our standard practice is to perform the committal at the church when the interment is outside of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area.

Please Remember 

We will do our very best to honor your requests as you celebrate the life of your loved one. Our goal is to bring glory and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as we minister to you, encourage you, and offer Christian support during your time of bereavement. 




Click here for the Memorial Service Building Usage Form