Member's Marketplace


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Prayer Meeting

Member’s Marketplace

The Online Market Place is a convenient location where Greater Mount Olive Business Owners can list their product or services available to the GMO Church Community.

When you register your Service/Product you must re-submit your information monthly to keep it updated. The registration form is below the listing.

Business/Service Listing:


Name of Service/Product: Gloss By Us

Member's Name: Shantel & Timara Williams

Phone: 405-982-8112


Website (if applicable): 

Message: Handmade lipgloss, chapstick, and multipurpose soap. Also custom shirts!


Name of Service/Product: Personal Realtors, Chamberlain Realty

Member's Name: Earlene and Kesha McCauley, The McCauley Team

Phone: 405-326-7719


Website (if applicable):  N/A

Message: Call us if you need to buy or sell property. Premium Listing Services! Impeccable Client Experiences!

Monthly Registration

If you wish to have your business or product listed monthly, please complete and submit this form by the last Thursday of each month and the updated listing will be published (above) on the following Monday. If you do not complete the form each month, your listing will be removed. All form fields are required except for the message field so if for instance you do not have a website, place N/A in that field to be able to complete the form. Once all fields have been completed and you hit submit, you will get a "Thank You!" as confirmation that your form was submitted.