2024 Prayer Focus


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Prayer Meeting

31 Days of Prayer for Greater Mount Olive

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – Unity and Love

  • Pray that God will banish ungodly dissention and bind us as a church family in love and in unity. Pray that we are able to demonstrate the love and unity one to another, and allow it to be a symbol of God’s grace to our community 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - Salvation for the lost

  • Pray that as God offers His saving grace, sinners accept it. Pray for those we know who have not professed a hope in Christ. Pray for additional opportunists to present the plan of salvation to the lost. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024 – Office Staff

  • Pray that God keeps them in His perfect peace and gives them a pleasant disposition as they interact with both congregants and the public. Pray that they have focus and clarity as they perform the various administrative tasks that are necessary for the success of the church. Pray that they feel appreciated and are rewarded for the effort they put forth. 

Friday, October 4, 2024 - Commitment to the cause of Christ and work of the church

  • Pray that God will lead us, and convict is as a church family to demonstrate our loyalty to Him, His church and the leadership he has placed by keeping the commitments we have made to pray, give and serve at the Greater Mount Olive.

Saturday, October 5, 2024 – The Ministries of the Church

  • Pary that God will bless each ministry of the church to use their gifts and talents, skill and expertise to serve others and to help make disciples in the church. Pray for focus of purpose and faithfulness to the call of Christ.

Sunday, October 6, 2024 - Leadership of the Church

  • Pray that God will lead, guide, and direct every leader of our church, that the leaders may be models of dedication and discipleship. Pray that God will increase the level of commitment, and the level of understanding of each appointed role, and give every leader the resolve to be everything that God has called then to be in the church. Pray for every deacon, member of the board and ministry leader in Greater Mount Olive.

 Monday, October 7, 2024 - Healing and Recovery 

  • Pray that God will hasten healing and recovery for all that are suffering from injury, illness, and affliction. Pray for those in hospitals, and places of recovery and rehabilitation, in their homes and those that are having to deal with chronic situations. Pray for caregivers, family, friends, and health care workers. Pray that God’s grace, mercy and power are seen and experienced during the healing and recovery process.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - Marriage and Relationships

  • Pray that God will encourage and strengthen every marriage in our membership. Pray that God gives both husband and wives the will and the dedication to stay the course, renew, and maintain the commitment to God and to spouse.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 – Men of Mount Olive

  • Pray that all of the men of Greater Mount Olive will step up and take on the roles responsibilities that God has given them as leaders in their families, leaders in their church, and leaders in their community. Pray that all of the men will be examples of Godly masculinity and show the strength, loyalty, and love that they have been given in Christ.

Thursday, October 10, 2024 – Women of Mount Olive

  • Pray that the women of Greater Mount Olive will seek to find their purpose in God and strive to be examples of Godly femininity in embracing their roles in their families, their church, and community. Pray that God continues to show then their true value and worth that, they have in Christ.

Friday, October 11, 2024 – Single Parents

  • Pray that God will give them wisdom and understanding and patience in parenting. Pray that God gives them all of the strength and courage that they need to be the parent that God desired them to be. Pray that God will provide for all of the needs of their children and keep them safe and secure.

Saturday, October 12, 2024 – Families of Mount Olive

  • Pray that God keep and protect families in our church. Pray for unity and togetherness in the families. Pray for the restoration of broken relationships. Pray for every husband and wife. Pray for every parent, grand parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, and extended family member. Pray that God provides for and protects every family associated with Greater Mount Olive.

Sunday, October 13, 2024 – God Exalting Worship

  • Pray that God will honor and accept our worship to him as a sweet-smelling fragrance into his nostrils. Pray that worship leaders and worshippers alike come into the worship setting primed and prepared to be genuine, sincere, and uninhibited in as we exalt God in worship.

 Monday, October 14, 2024 – God's Vision for the Church

  • Pray that God will continue to reveal Himself and provide the direction and guidance that we need as a church to accomplish his will for us. Pray that we continue to seek God and hear His voice. Pray that the pastor will be open, receptive, and obedient to the move of God, and that the leaders and members will be open, receptive, and obedient to the pastor as he follows God’s vision for Greater Mount Olive. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – Pastor and Family

  • Pray that God will protect Pastor Douglas and his family from the attacks of the enemy. Pray for the spiritual, emotional, and physical health and strength of the pastor. Pray that God will surround him with trustworthy advisors and prayer partners and friends. Pray that God will provide for all of the spiritual, emotional, physical and financial needs of the pastor and family.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 – Pastoral Leadership in the Church

  • Pray that God will continue to strengthen and encourage the pastor to be able to stand against enemies and opposition. Pray that God surrounds the pastor with leaders and members that are loyal, committed and visibly supportive of the leadership that pastor has been called of God to give to the church. Pray that God provide strong dedicated leaders to assist and support him.

Thursday, October 17, 2024 – Worship Leaders

  • Pray that God works in the hearts and minds of all who serve as leaders and are visible and or vital in worship so that worship will be enhanced and not distracted from. Pray that God removes all negative and nonchalant attitudes of every minster, deacon, hostess, usher, audio visual worker, musician, singer, and director so that the glory of God will be experienced in worship.

Friday, October 18, 2024 - Student Ministry Workers

  • Pray that God will continue to give members a heart for our youth, and that he will send an overabundance of those willing to work with, develop, and invest in the youth and children of Greater Mount Olive. Pray for the strength, wisdom, and encouragement of those who work with the youth and children that they may be good stewards of the lives that have been entrusted to them.

Saturday, October 19, 2024 - Student Ministries

  • Pray that God will protect our children and youth from the ungodly influences of the world. Pray that they develop a love for the Lord and his word, and that they thrive as a shining example for Christ as they achieve excellence in all of their endeavors. Pray for their parents and guardians, their home life, their schools, and their communities.

Sunday, October 20, 2024 - Associate Ministers

  • Pray that the associate ministers take advantage of the opportunities they have to develop their ministries. Pray that they are able to be loyal and faith followers and helpers to their pastor, and actively involved in the life of the church. Pray for their preparation and that, they are ready when God gives opportunity to exercise their gifts.

Monday, October 21, 2024 - The Future of the Church

  • Pray that God will continue to bless and use Greater Mount Olive in the advancement of His kingdom. Pray that we will as a church become dedicated to outreach and evangelism. Pray that we invest our time and resources in the development of our youth and children. Pray that God continues to give the pastor vision and direction, and that He provide people to assist him in bring vision to reality.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – Advancement of the Kingdom

  • Pray that God will allow us to bring increase to the Kingdom. Pray that we be a church with a Kingdom agenda. Pray that God allows us to bring in new members to Greater Mount Olive that we will be able to equip to serve and glorify God. Pray for the spiritual growth of Greater Mount Olive. Pray for the numerical grow of Greater Mount Olive. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - Growth in Grace and Knowledge of Christ

  • Pray that God will give us a heart and mind to know him through Jesus Christ. Pray that Christian Education and Discipleship training will increase through the church, and the membership will have a zeal for God and yearning to know and grow in our faith and service.

Thursday, October 24, 2024 - Young Adults of our Church

  • Pray that the young adults in our church become more aware of their significance and value in the church. Pray that they develop a greater sense of membership, and that God will burden them with a heart to serve in the church. Pray that those who would despise their youth do not discourage them. Pray that God partners them with seasoned believers who will mentor them and disciple them and prepare to carry on the work of the church.

Friday, October 25, 2024 – Seniors of Mount Olive

  • Pray that God will continue to bless them and provide them with health, and strength, and knowledge and wisdom. Pray that God will strengthen to be able to do things that they desire to do for the Lord. Pray that God will allow them to rest from other toils and enjoy the fruit of their labor for the Lord at Greater Mount Olive. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024 - All of the members of Greater Mount Olive

  • Pray for the individual and corporate needs of every member in the church. Pray that God will intercede in matter s public and private, the He will be glorified, and we will be blessed. Pay for everyone that is known to be dealing with complexities of life. Pay for the specific needs and people that you know of. Pray that God will lead you into the life of someone that needs you, and that he will send someone into your life that you need. Pray for unity and cohesiveness in the body of Christ. Pray that God is glorified in our actions and activities. Pray that God pours out His blessings on us in every way possible. Pay that individually and collectively, God uses us as icons and testaments to His grace, mercy, and benefits.

Sunday, October 27, 2024 - Financial Needs of the Church and People

  • Pray that God will fix our hearts toward him in trust concerning finances. Pray that God create in us a spirit of generosity in giving for the advancement of the kingdom. Pray that God then makes all grace abound toward us according to the promises of His word concerning giving. Pray that as we manage our finances God’s way, that God will bless us to eliminate debt, and accumulate wealth to His glory and our blessing, so that we may be a better blessing to others, both individually and as a church.

Monday, October 28, 2024 - Help for the Hurting

  • Pray that God will provide healing and help for those that are experiencing the pain of loss or grief or anxiety or depression. Pray that they are able to cast their care upon the Lord and allow His peace to guard their hearts and minds.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 – Opportunities to share the Gospel

  • Pray that God allows us to share the gospel with someone this week. Pray that we are ready to give a defense of the hope that is within us. Pray that we become excited about evangelism and being a blessing to those on our FRANC lists.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - Outreach

  • Pray that God will open up our hearts to outreach and open up doors of opportunity where we can share the love of God will those who are hurting, have physical and spiritual need, and need help and protection from harm. Pray that God

Thursday, October 31, 2024 - Protection from Enemies

  • Pray that God will protect us from the evil one and the agents of the evil one. Pray that we be as wise as serpents and as innocent as dove as we deal with the wolves around us. Pray that we are to recognize the wiles of the devil and are able to escape his fiery darts. Pray that God will uncover and expose the disguises of the enemy so that we can recognize his schemes.